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Use case Omero

We have got a task to run Omero application in Kubernetes. Basically, we need two things: Docker container of the application and deployment manifest. The application may have some depencencies like database, in this case we need to deploy those as well.

Searching for the term omero docker, we got the result https://github.com/ome/omero-server-docker which explains how to deploy the Omero server. It has two options:

  1. Running OMERO with docker-compose
  2. Running the images (manual)

For Kubernetes, we need to choose the second option because docker-compose cannot be applied directly to Kubernetes.

The second option starts with database and it seems to be the Postgres database. Here, we are lucky because Kubernetes provide a Postgres operator for easy database deployment, see our Operators documentation.

In all the commands below, replace the [namespace] with your own namespace name.


The Postgres operator creates random passwords by default, but in this example, we will create an explicit password for the Postgres database. We will use omero as database user and some secret password e.g., xxxpassword. First, we need to create a secret with the name and the password. Both of them must be base64 encoded. You can use the link or use echo -e 'omero' | base64 in Linux shell. The -n switch is essential, the string (name, password) must not contain the newline character (\n). Once we have two base64 encoded values, we create and deploy secret:

apiVersion: v1
  password: b21lcm9rb2tvcw==
  username: b21lcm8=
kind: Secret
  name: omero-db-app
type: kubernetes.io/basic-auth

The metadata.name can be arbitrary but will be referenced in subsequent manifests. Link.

kubectl create -f db-app-secret.yaml -n [namespace]

Once we have the secret, we deploy the database. Simple configuration is enough.

apiVersion: postgresql.cnpg.io/v1
kind: Cluster
  name: omero
  instances: 1
  imageName: 'ghcr.io/cloudnative-pg/postgresql:15.3-2'
  primaryUpdateStrategy: unsupervised
      database: omero
      owner: omero
        name: omero-db-app
      memory: 2Gi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 6Gi
      cpu: 2
    size: 10Gi
    storageClass: zfs-csi

This manifest references the secret name in the spec.bootstrap.initdb.secret.name, it must match the name of the secret we created. If the database is slow to handle all the load, the spec.resources.limits.cpu can be increased. For non-demo purposes, the spec.resources.requests.cpu should be increased to match actual typical load. Link.

kubectl create -f db-cluster.yaml [namespace]

After a while, a new Pod should be created in the [namespace] namespace. It will be named omero-1.

The cluster create has only a single Pod, it is not a real and resilient cluster. For high availability clusters, see Postgres Operator.

Omero Server

Running the omero-server was the second step. The page shows how to run it in the Docker:

docker run -d --name omero-server --link postgres:db \
    -e CONFIG_omero_db_user=postgres \
    -e CONFIG_omero_db_pass=postgres \
    -e CONFIG_omero_db_name=postgres \
    -e ROOTPASS=omero-root-password \
    -p 4063:4063 -p 4064:4064 \

Application in the managed Kubernetes cannot run as root. It is a good idea to get the expected user id from the container using the docker. So on a machine with docker installed, issue:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash openmicroscopy/omero-server

This will create and run the Omero server docker container. Next, issue the id command, it will show the expected user id and group id. It should look like this:

xhejtman@osiris:~$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash openmicroscopy/omero-server
bash-4.2$ id
uid=1000(omero-server) gid=997(omero-server) groups=997(omero-server)

So, for the server deployment, we use user id 1000 and group id 997.

We can see, that we should pass four environment variables: CONFIG_omero_db_user, CONFIG_omero_db_pass, CONFIG_omero_db_name, and ROOTPASS. We need to pass an additional variable CONFIG_omero_db_host to specify the database hostname. The created database has the hostname in the form [name]-rw, so in our case omero-rw.

We will use the database secret to fill the CONFIG_omero_db_user and CONFIG_omero_db_pass variables. The specific part of the manifest looks like this:

name: CONFIG_omero_db_user
    name: omero-db-app
    key: username

where name: omero-db-app is the name of the secret and the key: username is the key in the secret.

Scrolling down the github page, we can see that we will also need some persistent storage:

  • /opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/var: The OMERO.server var directory, including logs
  • /OMERO: The OMERO data directory

We will use a non-persistent emptyDir volume for the logs and a persistent volume for the /OMERO directory. This solution is based on the assumption, that the /OMERO contains valuable data, while /opt/omero/server/OMERO.server/var does not.

For the persistent volume, a PVC must be created using the following manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-omero-data
  - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 100Gi
  storageClassName: nfs-csi


kubectl create -f pvc-data.yaml -n [namespace]

Finally, we are ready to deploy the omero-server using the complete manifest. It also exposes two ports in the same way as the Docker command. Do not forget to set your own ROOT password in the following fragment. Also, rather a Secret object should be used to pass the password.

value: omero-root-password
kubectl create -f omero-server.yaml -n [namespace]

Now, we should have the omero-server running. However, to be accessible from the cluster, another manifest needs to be ddeployed---service.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: omero-server
  type: ClusterIP
  - port: 4064
    name: ssl
    targetPort: 4064
  - port: 4063
    name: plain
    targetPort: 4063
    app: omero-server


kubectl create -f omero-server-svc.yaml -n [namespace]

This manifest ensures, that the omero-server is accessible using the name omero-server (it is the value of the metadata.name). The ports in this service must match the ports from the Docker command -p 4063:4063 -p 4064:4064. The name can be arbitrary, but will be different for each port.

Omero WEB

Running the omero-server is not enough, it does not provide a web interface. So, after some searching, we can follow the omero-web description.

The Docker command is:

docker run -d --name omero-web \
    -e OMEROHOST=omero.example.org \
    -p 4080:4080 \

Obviously, we replace the OMERHOST with omero-server which references our service from the omero-server. Using the same steps as for the omero-server, we get the expected user id and user group:

xhejtman@osiris:~$ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash openmicroscopy/omero-web-standalone
bash-4.2$ id
uid=999(omero-web) gid=998(omero-web) groups=998(omero-web)

Similar to the omero-server, the web page states data volume:

  • /opt/omero/web/OMERO.web/var: The OMERO.web var directory, including logs

For demo purposes, the volume type emptyDir is sufficient.

Now, we are able to deploy the omero-web manifest.

kubectl create -f omero-web.yaml -n [namespace]

The omero-web should be running now. To access it from the internet, we need a Service and an Ingress — because it is a web application. The Service is simple enabling the port from the Docker command -p 4080:4080:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: omero-web
  type: ClusterIP
  - port: 4080
    name: web
    targetPort: 4080
    app: omero-web


kubectl create -f omero-svc.yaml -n [namespace]

And finally the Ingress:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: omero
    kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
  ingressClassName: nginx
   - hosts:
       - "[omero-test].dyn.cloud.e-infra.cz"
     secretName: [omero-test]-dyn-cloud-e-infra-cz
  - host: [omero-test].dyn.cloud.e-infra.cz
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: "/"
              name: omero-web
                number: 4080


Replace the [omero-test] with your own name. The total hostname must not exceed 63 characters. The port number (4080) must match the service port number.

kubectl create -f omero-web-ingress.yaml -n [namespace]

You may see the cm-acme-http-solver- Pod running, in this case, wait until it is finished, then you can open your Omero link in the browser. Log in using the username root and the password from the omero-server deployment (the value):

- name: ROOTPASS
  value: omero-root-password

Now we are done!

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